This document provides detailed information on the use of the `script` within a templating engine. To execute these scripts, you must enable script execution in your settings. ## Warning > [!warning] > Executing unverified scripts can be extremely hazardous. Always ensure that the scripts you are running come from a trusted source to avoid security risks. ## Example Usage Here is an example of how to **utilize** the script within a template: ```js // make sure to mention the variables used so that text-generator adds them to the available context // like so {{tg_selection}} {{test}} {{#script}} // Run any JavaScript code here. // Any returned value will be where the script tag is at. // Access context variables with the 'this' keyword. // Example: this.selection, this.title, etc. // You can change or add a variable and use it in the context. // Example: this.test = "hello world"; return "return hello world"; {{/script}} {{test}} ``` **output** ``` return hello world hello world ``` ## Contexts for Script Execution The following contexts are available for running scripts within the template: ### App Context **Run JavaScript** to interact with the app's current state of obsidian. For example: ```js {{#script}} // This will **return** the creation date of the active note return new Date(app.workspace.getActiveFile().stat.ctime); {{/script}} ``` ### Plugin Context **Fetch** Text generator plugin-related data using JavaScript. Here's an example: ```js {{#script}} // This will **return** the version of Text Generator return plugin.manifest.version {{/script}} ``` ### PluginApi Context **Interact** with specific plugins installed in your environment. Ensure you have the required plugin for the following code snippet: > You need to install [Text To Speech](obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-tts) plugin for this example. ```js {{#script}} const tts = pluginApi('tts'); await tts.say("This is a test"); // Language is optional, use an ISO 639-1 code {{/script}} ``` ### 'This' Context **Access and manipulate** the current template context: ```js {{#script}} this.highlights.push("this is a new highlight"); {{/script}} {{highlights}} ``` ### Langchain (Partial) **Split text** into manageable parts for processing. More information on splitters can be found [here]( ```js {{#script}} const youtubeScript = await extract("yt", ""); const splitter = new RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter({ chunkSize: 4000, chunkOverlap: 1, }); const output = await splitter.createDocuments([youtubeScript]); return output.join("***/n"); {{/script}} ``` ## Function Helpers within Scripts The following function helpers can be used within scripts to **perform actions** such as extraction, running other templates, generating content, writing to files, and displaying notices or errors. ### Extract Helper Function **Extract content** from specified sources, more information can be found [[extract helper function]]: ```js {{#script}} const youtubeScript = await extract("youtube", ""); return youtubeScript; {{/script}} ``` ### Run Helper Function **Run** an existing template in the code, more information can be found [[run helper function]]: ```js {{#script}} const youtubeScript = await extract("youtube", ""); const summary = await run("default/summary", {tg_selection: youtubeScript}); return summary; {{/script}} ``` ### Generate Template Content **Use generate** to run a prompt template directly from the code: ```js {{#script}} const youtubeScript = await extract("youtube", ""); const truncatedString = youtubeScript.length > 1000 ? youtubeScript.substring(0, 1000) : youtubeScript; const summary = await gen(`summarize the following content : {{content}} Summary: `, { content: truncatedString }); return summary; {{/script}} ``` ### Generate Template Content (JSON response) **Use generate** to run a prompt template directly from the code: ```js {{#script}} const countings = await genJSON( `Give me a JSON Record Object counting from 1 to 5 Key is name of the number, and value is the number`, { max_tokens: 200 } ); return JSON.stringify(countings); {{/script}} ``` > - The prompt needs to contain the word `JSON` > - This tool only works with OpenAI, (it could work with other providers but highly unlikely). ### Write to File **Write content** to a file in your system it will create the path if it does not exist: ```js {{#script}} const youtubeScript = await extract("youtube", ""); const summary = await run("default/summary", {tg_selection: youtubeScript}); await write("", summary); return summary; {{/script}} ``` ### Append to File **Append content** to an existing file and then **read** from it: ```js {{#script}} await append("", summary); return read(""); {{/script}} ``` ### Read from File **Read content** from a specified file: ```js {{#script}} const text = read(""); return text; {{/script}} ``` ### Display Notice **Show a notice** to the user: ```js {{#script}} notice("this is a notice"); {{/script}} ``` ### Trigger Error **Display an error** message: ```js {{#script}} error("this is an error"); {{/script}} ``` ### `JSON5` Instead of `JSON` Use this instead of `JSON` for parsing `JSON` code, its alot more lenient and forgiving when it comes to the `JSON` format ```js {{#script}} const Object = JSON5.parse(` { a: c, "b": "d", } `) {{/script}} ```